Okay, so I know this isn't really a BI related entry, but I was very impressed with the video in the attached
link for the Eat Real, Eat Local campaign. It was done by Hellman's (the mayonnaise people), and sent to me by a friend.
I like the video for two reasons: first, it does a great job of educating viewers (without lecturing) about the origin of our 'fresh' food supply. Some of the statistics are quite staggering, and really give reason to approach shopping from a different perspective,
The second reason that I like the video is that it does a fantastic job of softly and respectfully promoting a bit of national pride. It doesn't suggest that produce originating in other countries is bad; rather it just advocates for the benefits of buying locally.
After viewing the video, I went to the site, and noticed that in response to the actions of people viewing the video, Hellman's has made donations of $35,000 to the Evergreen fund.
So the customer wins by receiving good, empowering information, the environment wins through receipt of the donation, and of course, Hellman's wins through an excellent PR piece. Sounds like the perfect deal.