Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Strategic Advantage

Is Business Intelligence just reporting? Pretty charts and tables? Is that all I get for my money?

If you look at information as a vital strategic asset for your business, you'll start to see how business intelligence is NOT just a cost. A lot of us talk about living in the "Information Age" and how we're all "information workers". But if all you're doing is recording transactions so you can pay your taxes, you're missing the point.

It's only data until you start to use it; then it becomes information.

And THAT is a strategic advantage.

Monday, August 9, 2010

What about...

How's your customer churn? How many customers do you 'fire' each year? Could you identify the ones that are costing you money to service??? Do you have the information to make an informed decision about replacing them?

Thursday, August 5, 2010

What if...

What if implementing effective business intelligence gave you the tools to increase your volume from your top 10 percent of customers by 10 percent? What would that mean to your business bottom line?